Going Abroad

Florida State University recognizes the importance of preparing students to be successful citizens in the global society of the 21st century, and supports international study and intercultural experiences as an integral part of the academic, social, and cultural development process of university education. Florida State University is committed to supporting students who want to go abroad and develop global competencies.


Studying in another country transforms students’ educational and personal perspectives and enhances their future development in profound ways. FSU offers students a variety of options for international experiences abroad during their undergraduate careers. 


An increasing number of students are doing research which includes an international component. Not only do students benefit from the experience of designing and implementing a research project, but they also learn invaluable life lessons from living and interacting with the local communities in which they are working. 


International and intercultural internships provide remarkable opportunities for students to gain incomparable career experience and develop intercultural competencies while earning academic credit. Likewise, sustained service is another way to serve in the community while gaining experience related to personal, professional, and academic goals. 


Students interested in immersing themselves in different languages and cultures through international or intercultural research, study, and service may be eligible for fellowships and scholarships. 


High school seniors who have been admitted to FSU may choose to defer enrollment and take a gap year to pursue opportunities to enhance personal, professional, and educational growth. FSU is proud to be one of the few universities in the country (and the second public university) to offer financial assistance to students taking a gap year.


Find links to FSU's Travel Policy, travel alerts and warnings by country, information about returning home after your experience, and more.