“Lasting impact on personal/professional growth”
College: Business
Department: Marketing
Host City and Country of Fulbright Award: Helsinki, Finland
What motivated you to apply for a Fulbright award?
The Fulbright program provides a unique chance to live and work in a different country, immersing myself in a new culture and academic environment. The opportunity to engage with scholars from diverse backgrounds and gain international perspectives is a strong motivation for me to broaden my horizons.
Describe the importance and reach of the research and/or teaching you did while on Fulbright?
I didn't teach while on Fulbright. I was involved in various seminars and research presentations on topics related to frugal innovation.
Advice for anyone considering the Fulbright award
For anyone who considers applying to Fulbright, they must think of what positive impacts they can make on the world through their research, teaching, or community engagement. The Fulbright program puts emphasis on community involvement and public diplomacy and encourages Fulbrighters to use their expertise to address global challenges, promote social change, and contribute to the development of their host country.
I received a second Fulbright award to Kosovo, 2023-24.