“Personal/professional connection, reconnection, and growth”
College: Music
Department: Music
Host City and Country of Fulbright Award: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
What motivated you to apply for a Fulbright award?
The benefits of Fulbright awards are far reaching, and it was both the breadth and depth that the Fulbright experience could provide that appealed to me originally. In terms of my specific award, I was motivated to apply because my grant would allow me the opportunity reconnect with a dear colleague from my doctoral program while also supporting her as she worked to develop music therapy in Malaysia. Equally important, I believed the award would provide opportunities for me and my family to explore, grow, and learn as we spent time in a culture that could be similar and yet also very different from our own. Finally, I believed a Fulbright award would help me grow as a person, a professor, a mentor, and a leader, and that this growth would allow me to better serve my students moving forward.
Describe the importance and reach of the research and/or teaching you did while on Fulbright?
Music therapy in Malaysia, like in many other countries, is an emerging profession. Currently there are no degree-based training programs, and only one PhD qualified music therapist. During my time there, my colleagues and I had the opportunity to conduct research, design programming, present at important scholarly and community events, and build community clinical connections in support of the development of the first-degree program in Malaysia. We made tremendous strides while I was there, despite some sizable setbacks caused by the pandemic.
Our work was grounded in the research we conducted, which we used to outline the degree program basics and develop related micro credential courses. We also used this research to collaborate with Malaysian and other SE Asian colleagues, facilitating development in Malaysia and beyond. We continue to work toward development of the degree program, collaborating remotely and during additional trips to Malaysia, and we anticipate that the microcredential will move forward in 2023 or 2024. Thus, our work had both immediate and long reaching impacts that have the potential to impact the trajectory of the profession of music therapy in Malaysia and beyond.
Tell us about significant personal Fulbright experiences you had
My Fulbright experience gave me as much, if not more, personally as it did professionally. In my exit interview I shared the following:
My grant has also allowed me the opportunity to further build relationships with my collaborator’s family, which has been personally rewarding beyond measure. I am now an auntie, an expected guest on Saturdays at Paw Pawâ’s house, and a welcomed participant in family teatime. These personal connections have been just as important to me as the professional experience, and I will go back to the United States forever connected with my Malaysian family. (They, of course, already have things picked out to do “when and if” I come back, so I definitely have work to do to make sure I return!)
In addition to my own growth, the Fulbright grant has provided opportunities for my family as well. My son was able to stay in Malaysia for five weeks, during which he volunteered at a local school and the Malaysian Care Toy Library & Parent Resource Centre. (He even recorded and released his first podcast with the school.) To me, this was invaluable, as it allowed him to experience life in ways that he could not in the United States. During his time in Malaysia, he spent time with other children and youth, learned about the school system, served the local community, and connected with his new Malaysian family. (He even got a blessing and his first ang pao from his Malaysian Paw Paw!) All of this was possible because of Fulbright, and I will be forever grateful for the way this has changed not only me, but also my family.
As you can see from what I shared in my exit interview, the personal aspects of a Fulbright can have tremendous value, enriching the experience well beyond what is expected.
Advice for anyone considering the Fulbright award
For those considering a Fulbright, it will be important to practice curiosity, patience, flexibility, preparedness, openness, and respect.
Ask questions before you go. Ask questions when you are there. Connect with other Fulbrighters for support before, during, and after your award. Take practical steps to prepare yourself in everything from taking staples with you to understanding the tax ramifications of an award. Finally, try new things, be open to new ideas, and respect differences.
I just completed my Fulbright award in the fall semester of 2022, so I have not had time to go on too many additional endeavors yet. That said, I served (and continue to serve) as President of my national professional association during my award.