“A highlight of my research.”
College: Music
Department: Music
Host City and Country of Fulbright Award: St Petersburg, Russian Federation
What motivated you to apply for a Fulbright award?
I was interested in experiencing a different culture and educational model. The Rimsky-Korsakov St. Petersburg State Conservatory is one of the leading conservatories in the world and in one of the great musical centers of the world. It was an inspiring experience on many levels.
Describe the importance and reach of the research and/or teaching you did while on Fulbright?
I taught organ students weekly with repertoire ranging from Bach to contemporary works. I also gave two lectures on British and American repertoire, respectively. Russia has a strong tradition of organ performance and there is a keen awareness of national standards and European influences and opportunities. The students were very engaged and enthusiastic and amongst the strongest performers I have encountered anywhere.
Tell us about significant personal Fulbright experiences you had
It was wonderful to be able to attend the Mariinsky opera and ballet almost weekly and so inexpensively. To hear the great masterworks of the repertoire performed with such ease is something I shall always remember and especially hearing the Russian repertoire. But, equally, to observe families attending the opera together and see children in elementary school sitting next to grandparents for a three-hour opera. On a personal note, the many conversations about world politics and culture more broadly, and the experience of reading Russian literature and walking the same streets.
Advice for anyone considering the Fulbright award
To choose a location that is completely removed from what you experience daily and to immerse yourself in a very different world. I think the ideal Fulbright experience provokes questions and increases the understanding of how connected we are to people around the world on multiple levels.
The experience in St Petersburg made me think increasingly about the role of culture and society and especially how they are portrayed in literature. My recent books, 'Music and Religion in the writings of Ian McEwan' and 'Rudolph Ganz, Patriotism, and Standardization of The Star-Spangled Banner, 1907-1958' ask a number of questions about the relationship between music and politics on both sides of the Atlantic.