“The best experience in my life!”
College: Business
Department: Management
Host City and Country of Fulbright Award: Dublin, Ireland
What motivated you to apply for a Fulbright award?
I wanted to give my children the life experience of living in another country. My ancestors were from Ireland. I thought it would be great for my children to learn more about their past.
After I received the award, unfortunately, my children decided that they did not want to leave their school and go to Ireland.
Describe the importance and reach of the research and/or teaching you did while on Fulbright?
Ireland is the Merger and Acquisition (M&A) capital of Europe. My research specialty is the effective integration of M&A. I wanted to interview executives in Dublin to tap into their extensive M&A experience and to see how M&A in Europe was different from the US. The interviews have fueled an entire research stream since the visit.
Tell us about significant personal Fulbright experiences you had
There are simply too many to recant. I still remember being stunned by the views on hikes. My first Gaelic football game was incredible to watch and learn about such a unique sport built into the social fabric of every community in Ireland. Living in a working-class neighborhood in Dublin led to many wonderful conversations with my neighbors. And meeting President Clinton when he was awarded an honorary doctorate at Dublin City University was a highlight of my visit.
Advice for anyone considering the Fulbright award
Do it! Even though I originally applied for a Fulbright in the hope of it benefiting my children, it really changed me. I was able to better understand myself by gaining a better appreciation for my ancestors' struggles, history, and culture.
I'll name just two. I am particularly proud of being selected for the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Distinguished Service Award by FSU in 2016. And this year, I will be awarded the Sustained Outstanding Service Award by the Southern Management Association in recognition of my research and service contributions throughout my career.