Alexandra Artiles

Alexandra Artiles

"Becoming more knowledgeable about your passion"

College: Social Sciences and Public Policy
Degree Program: Political Science
Degree: Doctoral

Awards: Fulbright Study/Research Award (2022)


Why FSU?

The Political Science Doctoral Program at FSU has top-notch quantitative training to prepare me for a career in academia. As a political scientist, I also love being able to live in the state capital.

Motivation to pursue a graduate degree

I had a passion for both politics and teaching, and graduate school was a way to merge the two. Now, I get to research public policy and teach it to my students!

Importance and/or impact of research and work

My research examines the conditions under which local officials oppose and resist preemption from their state governments. Understanding how local and state governments best work together is crucial for better governance.

Career aspirations

I hope to get a tenure-track job at a research university.

Advice for anyone considering graduate school

Pursue a graduate degree in a field that you truly love, and graduate school will feel a lot less like work.

Accomplishments during your graduate career

My greatest accomplishment was my very first publication at Publius: The Journal of Federalism. Getting to share research that I am passionate about with a broader audience is incredibly rewarding. I also received the Institute of Politics Civic Engagement Grant, the LeRoy Collins Institute State Politics Fellowship, and the Fulbright U.S. Student Program Open Study Award.